  • MESSAGEix-Canada
    MESSAGEix-Canada covers all energy sectors in the economy, including oil & gas, power, buildings and transportation, and is designed to investigate long-term energy pathways and comprehensively assess energy policy packages.

    MESSAGEix-Canada covers all energy sectors in the economy, including oil & gas, power, buildings and transportation, and is designed to investigate long-term energy pathways and comprehensively assess energy policy packages. With its whole-energy system coverage, the model is well suited to answer policy and research questions that require feedbacks between downstream and upstream sectors to be accounted for (e.g., demand response).

    MESSAGEix-Canada is built off of the MESSAGEix framework, a linear programming modelling framework developed by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria.

    Key features of MESSAGEix-Canada:

    • Provincial / territorial resolution: All provinces and territories are represented as separate nodes in the model, allowing for policy and pathway assessments at both the federal and provincial / territorial levels.
    • Least-cost optimization: Since the model seeks a minimal cost solution to the policy and technology constraints provided to it, MESSAGEix-Canada can complement the use of models like CIMS, which account for behaviour, but do not give insight to the user on the most efficient pathway that satisfies the policies / other constraints provided by the user.
    • Detailed representation of hydrogen: significant work has gone into developing and calibrating the model’s representation of hydrogen production, transmission & distribution and use. The model currently includes 20+ hydrogen technologies, with additional work on improving the representation of end use technologies planned.

    Policy / research questions MESSAGEix-Canada is designed to explore:

    1. How does a policy package being proposed by the federal government impact emissions?
    2. What policies and technologies will most be needed in the 2030s and 2040s to ensure Canada reaches net-zero?
    3. Is there a credible net-zero scenario for Canada by 2050 that involves significant oil and gas production increases? What would be the preconditions for this?
    4. If Canada adds a production tax credit to hydrogen production, such as $​0.5-3 USD​ per kg of H2 to match the US policy, what will be the impact on H2 production and emissions? Where would the H2 be produced, and where would it be used?
  • CIMS
    CIMS is an integrated energy-economy-emissions model designed to simulate the interaction of energy supply-demand and estimate the effects of policy and market dynamics on Canada’s energy system.

    CIMS is an integrated energy-economy-emissions model designed to simulate the interaction of energy supply-demand and estimate the effects of policy and market dynamics on Canada’s energy system. To do so, CIMS represents detailed energy-related technologies and the realistic preferences of consumers and firms across supply sectors such as oil & gas, as well as key energy demand end-uses in residential, commercial/institutional, transportation, and various industrial sectors.

    The model is being open-sourced by the Energy & Materials Research Group at Simon Fraser University, in collaboration with the Open Insights project at the University of Victoria.

    Key features of CIMS

    • Whole energy system coverage: CIMS covers all energy-intensive industries, including personal / freight transportation, residential / commercial buildings, coal mining, natural gas and crude oil production, electricity generation, various light industrial sectors, petroleum refining, industrial minerals, mining, pulp & paper, and iron & steel.
    • Behaviourally realistic: Instead of basing its simulation of technology choices only on financial information, CIMS differentiates itself from conventional bottom-up analysis by including non-financial costs, which reflect real-world consumer and business preferences.
    • Bottom-up & technology-rich: Through a ‘stock-flow’ model, CIMS simulates new purchases, retrofits, and retirements over time for many technologies. The level of detail can be as granular as the type of lightbulb used in residential buildings.

    Policy / research questions CIMS is designed to explore:

    1. How might prospective market dynamics or energy and climate policies impact energy supply-demand, GHG emissions, and techno-economic outcomes?
    2. What policies are required to meet economy-wide or sector GHG emissions targets?
    3. What are the costs of different energy sources in 2050 under net-zero scenarios?
  • EnergyABM
    The M3 EnergyABM is an agent-based model (ABM) designed to simulate the strategic investment decisions of energy companies, their profits and losses, and how they respond to policies and shocks.

    The M3 EnergyABM is an agent-based model designed to simulate the strategic investment decisions of energy companies, their profits or losses, and how they respond to policies and shocks. For the oil and gas (O&G) sectors, the model represents individual firms in Canada, with foreign producers aggregated up to country-level cost curves. For the electricity sector, the heterogeneity of the various provincial electricity markets is represented by vertically integrated firms representing government-owned public utilities in most provinces and competitive markets in Ontario and Alberta. Electricity trade with the USA is represented by a statistical model, which can assess the trade impacts of changes in total USA demand and variable renewable penetration on the USA grid.

    The model is being developed by Macrocosm Group, a company formed by researchers at the University of Oxford, in collaboration with the Open Insights project at the University of Victoria.

    Figure 1: Schematic of the M3 EnergyABM. The model consists of two types of agents: firms and plants. Firms own and operate plants, make forecasts and invest into new assets. Plants produce electricity, bid/sell in energy markets, and face evolving costs. While the schematic focuses on electricity, the same logic is used for modeling oil and gas markets, where the two types of agents are firms and individual wells.

    Policy / research questions the M3 macromodel is designed to explore:

    1. What impact will different production/generation tax credits have on capacity expansion in different Canadian energy markets?
    2. How will O&G companies in Canada respond to various climate policies such as an increasing price of carbon?
    3. How competitive (profits, cost structure) are Canadian O&G firms relative to global firms over the transition period to net-zero?

    Why build an agent-based model of the energy sector?
    Agent-based models have several properties that make them particularly strong at analyzing the impacts of the energy transition:

    • ABMs account for heterogeneity of economic agents and capture nonlinear and dynamic interactions between agents
    • ABMs realistically incorporate institutional structures and thus model the economy “as is” (rather than “as if”), avoiding strong assumptions of equilibrium, market clearing and perfect rationality.
    • Performance can be easily tested against historical economic data.
    • ABMs track balance sheets over time, allowing for granular as well as aggregate insights.


    A functioning version of the model is already developed but is missing several key features. These features will be added over the coming months, after which the model will be open-sourced.

    The Canadian Opportunities for Planning and Production of Electricity Resources (COPPER) framework is an electricity system planning model used to understand how policies impact the configuration of the least-cost electricity grid, transmission investments and emissions in and across provinces.

    The Canadian Opportunities for Planning and Production of Electricity Resources (COPPER) framework is an electricity system planning model used to understand how policies impact the configuration of the least-cost electricity grid, transmission investments and emissions in and across provinces. COPPER has been designed to be flexible, enabling modelers to quickly add new policies, define new geographies (for example, splitting a province into multiple regions) and update the default input data when desired.

    The model draws its data from CODERS, a public database for electricity, energy and economic models and uses IDEA for visualizing results.

    Key features of COPPER

    • Detailed representation of wind and solar potential: COPPER captures the significant variation in wind and solar potential by using a 0.5 latitude x 0.625 longitude grid of wind and solar capacities based on NASA’s MERRA2 dataset.
    • Provincial resolution: by default, each province is represented separately in COPPER with the model seeking to minimize costs for the country as a whole.
    • Technology representation: COPPER models more than 40 possible generation and three storage technologies. This includes novel technologies such as SMRs and gas w/CCS as well as conventional technologies such as unabated gas and coal.

    Policy / research questions COPPER is designed to explore:

    1. How might the Clean Electricity Regulations impact power sector emissions and costs to 2050?
    2. What are the costs and benefits of a new intertie between BC and Alberta?
    3. How might a Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credit affect investments into the grid?


    COPPER is developed and released open-source. Find the source code and documentation here:

    Selected publications

    1. Miri, Mohammad, McPherson, Madeleine. 2024. “Demand response programs: Comparing price signals and direct load control” Energy 288, 129673.
    2. Arjmand, Reza, Aaron Hoyle, Ekaterina Rhodes, and Madeleine McPherson. 2024. “Exploring the Impacts of Carbon Pricing on Canada’s Electricity Sector” Energies 17, no. 2: 385. 
    Quick Links
    The Strategic Integration of Large-capacity Variable Energy Resources (SILVER) tool is used to test the feasibility of a specific electricity system configuration, often provided by a planning model such as COPPER.

    The Strategic Integration of Large-capacity Variable Energy Resources (SILVER) tool is a production cost model that performs unit commitment, economic dispatch, and optimal power flow for a given power system configuration. As a result, it is often used to test the feasibility of a specific electricity system configuration provided by a planning model such as COPPER.​ This is because SILVER models each generator separately for each hour of the year, while many planning models only use representative days. While SILVER’s approach is more computationally intensive, it is a valuable sense-check on planning models’ output.

    The model draws its data from CODERS, a public database for electricity, energy and economic models and uses IDEA for visualizing results.

    Figure 1: Grid emissions in Ontario for every hour across a whole year in SILVER.

    Policy / research questions SILVER is designed to explore:

    1. How resilient is a particular power mix on Ontario’s grid to periods of low wind and/or solar potential?
    2. How much storage, load shedding and/or demand response are likely to be needed across a year under a given electricity system configuration?
    3. What are the benefits of a new interconnect between British Columbia and Alberta (would be answered in combination with COPPER)?


    SILVER is developed and released open-source. Find the source code and documentation here:

    Past applications

    1. Miri, M., and McPherson, M., “Demand response programs: Comparing price signals and direct load control,” Energy, Volume 288, 2024, 129673.
    2. Saffari, M., Crownshaw, T., McPherson, M. 2023. “Assessing the potential of demand-side flexibility to improve the performance of electricity systems under high variable renewable energy penetration” Energy 272.
    3. McPherson M., and Karney, B. 2017. “A scenario based approach to designing electricity grids with high variable renewable energy penetrations in Ontario, Canada: Development and application of the SILVER model” Energy, 138, pp. 185-196.
    Quick Links
  • The M3 macromodel
    The M3 macromodel is an agent-based model (ABM) designed to simulate the economic growth, trade, household and labour impacts of provincial and federal climate policies.

    The M3 macromodel is an agent-based model designed to simulate the economic growth, trade, household and labour impacts of provincial and federal climate policies. The model directly represents all major economic agents and their actions, 50+ sectors, all 10 provinces, and interprovincial and international trade (see Figure 1). The number of firms and households the model runs with is defined by the user, making it straightforward to account for the diversity of economic agents. A dedicated calibration pipeline has been developed alongside the model, meaning that the model can be quickly recalibrated and tested against historical data when new data or features are added.

    The model is being developed by Macrocosm Group, a company formed by researchers at the University of Oxford, in collaboration with the Open Insights project at the University of Victoria.

    Figure 1: Schematic of how the M3 macromodel works, including the most important datasets (e.g., ICIO, OECD, Compustat, etc.) that are used to calibrate each agent.

    Policy / research questions the M3 macromodel is designed to explore:

    1. How does an increase in the carbon price affect Canadian economic indicators such as household budgets, jobs, and trade?
    2. How could the global transition impact Canadian jobs?
    3. What is the economic impact of the existing tariff on Chinese EV imports?

    Why is the M3 macromodel an agent-based model?
    Agent-based models have several properties that make them particularly strong at analyzing the impacts of the energy transition:

    • ABMs account for heterogeneity of economic agents and capture nonlinear and dynamic interactions between agents
    • ABMs realistically incorporate institutional structures and thus model the economy “as is” (rather than “as if”), avoiding strong assumptions of equilibrium, utility maximization, and perfect rationality.
    • Performance can be easily tested against historical economic data.
    • ABMs track the detailed financial characteristics of firms time, allowing for granular as well as aggregate insights.


    A functioning version of the model is already developed but is missing several key features. These features will be added over the coming months, after which the model will be open-sourced. If you are interested in obtaining early access and/or collaboration, please reach out to [email protected].

    Selected publications

    Wiese, S., Kaszowska-Mojsa, J., Dyer, J., Moran, J., Pangallo, M., Lafond, F., Muellbauer, J., Calinescu, A. & Farmer, J.D. (2024), ‘Forecasting Macroeconomic Dynamics using a Calibrated Data-Driven Agent-based Model’, INET Oxford Working Paper, No. 2024-06.

  • LabourABM
    The M3 LabourABM is an agent-based model (ABM) designed to understand the response of labour markets to the energy transition.

    The M3 LabourABM is an agent-based model designed to understand the response of labour markets to the energy transition. The model estimates the unemployment rate and vacancy rate by occupation and sector, accounting for occupational and regional mobility of workers. Crucially, the model has been extensively calibrated, meaning that the costs to a worker of switching occupations and/or moving provinces has been carefully aligned with provincial historical data.

    The model is being developed by Macrocosm Group, a company formed by researchers at the University of Oxford, in collaboration with the Open Insights project at the University of Victoria. The model is designed to be used in conjunction with the M3 Macromodel. The Macromodel generates employment shocks which can be fed into the LabourABM, where impacts on the unemployment and vacancy rate are calculated, accounting for more labour dynamics than the Macromodel is capable of on its own.

    Figure 1: Network of occupations in the LabourABM and exposure to external employment shock (in this figure the shock is due to automation).

    Policy / research questions the M3 LabourABM is designed to explore:

    1. What are the job / wage impacts of across regions and occupations of different climate policies?
    2. What impact will different job training programs have on reducing frictions of job transitions from fossil fuel to renewable industries?
    3. How could the global transition impact Canadian jobs (requires linkage to the Macromodel)?

    Why is the M3 LabourABM an agent-based model?
    Agent-based models have several properties that make them particularly strong at analyzing the impacts of the energy transition:

    • ABMs account for heterogeneity of economic agents and capture nonlinear and dynamic interactions between agents
    • ABMs realistically incorporate institutional structures and thus model the economy “as is” (rather than “as if”), avoiding strong assumptions of equilibrium, market clearing and perfect rationality.
    • Performance can be easily tested against historical economic data.


    A functioning version of the model is already developed but is missing several key features. These features will be added over the coming months, after which the model will be open-sourced. If you are interested in obtaining early access and/or collaboration, please reach out to [email protected].

  • Technology cost time series models
    M3’s technology cost models are a collection of data-driven methods designed to forecast the future costs of different energy technologies under certain deployment and investment scenarios.

    M3’s technology cost models are a collection of data-driven methods designed to forecast the future costs of different energy technologies under certain deployment and investment scenarios. Models have been developed for all major clean energy technologies for which there is sufficient historical data, including: wind, solar, geothermal, electrolyzers, electric vehicles, bioelectricity and heat pumps.

    These models have been developed by Macrocosm Group, a company formed by researchers at the University of Oxford, in collaboration with the Open Insights project at the University of Victoria. These models are intended to be used as inputs into power system and energy system models, enabling modelers to explore the sensitivity of their models to realistic alternative technology cost trajectories.

    Figure 1: Example forecasts for Solar PV and Wind. As illustrated, the models account for and quantify the inherent uncertainty in these projections.

    Key features of the technology cost models:

    • Calibrated on historical data: Recent studies have shown that many energy-economy models historically underestimate deployment rates of clean technologies and overestimate costs. In contrast, the methods used here perform better at forecasting technology cost evolution.
    • Captures uncertainty: These methods are designed to easily produce many possible forecasts, the range of which is directly based off the model’s success in reproducing the historical cost evolution.
    • Open-source and easily extendable: All the methods for calibrating these models will be released open-source, meaning that models for new technologies can be easily calibrated once the required data to do so is compiled.

    Policy / research questions the M3 technology cost models are designed to explore:

    1. How will evolving technology costs impact net-zero energy system mixes of the future? (requires linkage to an energy system model, such as CIMS or MESSAGEix-Canada)
    2. What is the impact on deployment of cleantech of increasing the carbon price at different paces to 2050? (requires linkage to an energy system model)
    3. What are the costs of different energy sources in 2050 under different net-zero scenarios, and what drives the differences? (requires linkage to an energy system model)


    These models are complete and are in the process of being open-sourced. If you are interested in obtaining early access and/or collaboration, please reach out to [email protected].

    Selected publications:

    Way, R., Ives, M.C., Mealy, P., Farmer, J.D. 2022. “Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition” Joule, Volume 6, Issue 9.

  • The Building Decarbonization Alliance Open-Source Model (BDA - OSM)
    The Building Decarbonization Alliance presents the Building Decarbonization Alliance Open-Source Model (BDA-OSM), a tool dedicated to assessing the decarbonization of Canada’s residential, commercial, and institutional buildings, both new and existing.
    Free Open Data for Energy Modelling
    Navigating Canada's Green Transition: 
A Critical Path Forward 
with the BDA-OSM

    In response to the urgent need for sustainable transformation in Canada’s building sector, the Building Decarbonization Alliance (BDA), powered by the Transition Accelerator, introduces the Building Decarbonization Alliance Open-Source Model (BDA-OSM). This initiative emerges at a critical time when Canadian buildings, responsible for 11% of national greenhouse gas emissions in 2020, require significant intervention to align with the ambitious goals of the 2030 Emission Reduction Plan.

    The BDA-OSM is a pioneering tool designed to enable policymakers and industry leaders to make data-driven decisions. It provides detailed analyses and insights for effective policy formulation and implementation. By leveraging this model, the BDA seeks to ensure that Canada’s building sector is not only in step with emission reduction targets but also leads the way in global sustainability and energy efficiency.

    Features and Capabilities of the BDA-OSM

    Designed for policymakers, the BDA-OSM evaluates the effects of various building decarbonization strategies across Canada’s diverse regions. It encompasses residential, multi-residential, and commercial buildings nationwide. The model provides detailed results at national and provincial levels, with its scope and granularity set to expand over time.

    As an end-use stock turnover model, the BDA-OSM initially concentrates on space heating, cooling, and water heating. It allows users to tailor policy scenarios and assess impacts on equipment count, energy use, peak load, emission reduction, and cost. Calculations are based on aggregated energy end-uses for each building archetype and region throughout Canada, compiled at a provincial level and then summed up nationally. Projections range from 2024 to 2050, with an hourly breakdown for building load profiles. These results can be visualized using the IDEA platform.

    How to access the BDA-OSM

    To begin using the Building Decarbonization Alliance Open-Source Model (BDA-OSM), simply visit its GitLab repository. Here, you can dive straight into its various features and start exploring its capabilities.

    Should you need further information or have questions about navigating and using the BDA-OSM, please reach out to our team at [email protected].  We are available to assist you and offer any extra insights or clarifications to help you maximize the benefits of this tool.

Linkages - Models

Since many important climate policy and research questions require analyses of multiple systems, we are developing linked workflows between these models where relevant. For example, a linkage is being developed between the Macromodel and MESSAGEix-Canada to address questions that require both a detailed representation of the energy system as well as an understanding of policies’ economic impacts.

Policy / research questions the M3 is designed to explore:

  1. How do the climate platforms of the major federal political parties compare in terms of GHGs reductions and economic impacts such as GDP and jobs, and how do they compare to other government plans?
  2. How will the profitability of firms across the economy be impacted by the climate transition?
  3. What is the impact of the current suite of Canadian policies from an emissions and economic perspective through 2050 (explicitly modelling federal and provincial climate policies)?


Preliminary versions of all models and tools are complete. Some, including CODERS, IDEA, COPPER and SILVER are complete and already released open-source. The rest of the models are under development and will be released open-source in 2025. If you are interested in obtaining early access to any of the unreleased models, please reach out about collaborations to [email protected].

Selected publications

McPherson, M., Monroe, J., Jurasz, J., Rowe, A., Hendriks, R., Stanislaw, L., Awais, M., Seatle, M., Xu, R., Crownshaw, T., Miri, M., Aldana, D., Esfahlani, M., Arjmand, R., Saffari, M., Cusi, T., Singh Toor, K., Grieco, J. 2022. “Open-source modelling infrastructure: Building decarbonization capacity in Canada” Energy Strategy Reviews 44, 100961.

Saffari, M., Crownshaw, T., McPherson, M. 2023. “Assessing the potential of demand-side flexibility to improve the performance of electricity systems under high variable renewable energy penetration” Energy 272, 127133.